
End of the Month Music Bitchfest - June 2017

Well, "spring 2017" is officially over. And here's what didn't happen...

Not . A. Peep. No pre-order, no album date/tracklist/title announcement, no new* single. And, here's where my shitbrain went, you ready?

Well, obviously, Beck is letting his label handle this whole thing, otherwise, he'd have just released it like he did with those 12" singles a few years back. They didn't release it last summer because there was so much other summer music and they didn't want this new summer flow album to go unnoticed**, so they waited. But then it was fall and winter and, pssh, NO ONE buys music that isn't season-specific in a season for which it's not specified***!!!!! Soooo fuck it, let's push it to 2017.

*2017 rolls around*

Okay, the album is done and has been for, like, four years, spring is coming up, let's release....naaaah, Beck is off in some sort of space womb right now and has totally forgotten about this new album because he's working on several more new albums we can't wait to not release, so let's say...2018-ish?

*handshakes and blowjobs all around*

The Aristocrats.

In all seriousness though, based on the gap in his tour schedule, the album should be out in August.
And, speaking of "spring 2017" letdowns...

Nine Inch Nails
This is actually bittersweet. Or I suppose, since it's me, bittersweetbittersweetbitter.
All those fucking records folks ordered back in December of 2016 (definitive editions of Broken, The Fragile, The Downward Spiral, the new EP, and that crazy alternate version of The Fragile) were delayed because of Reznor and the people he chose to work with, bitter. But, with the resolution of the nin.com store fuck up came an e-mail from Trent Himself apologizing and telling fans that NTAE was the first of three related EPs, the second of which is coming out before 7/23, sweet. But, it's still just an EP (which can't be more than 25 minutes of music if these are all getting one-sided 12" releases), bitter. BUT there will be a third EP coming out, sweet. But not until the end of the year, bitter.

In other news, everything else in my life is great, hence why I can always find this sort of shit about which to bitch.

There is also the massive score for Ken Burns' The Vietnam War, which should be...Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross scoring a Ken Burns film about the Vietnam War. Clips sound a bit like Dragon Tattoo.

And finally, "the" Nine Inch Nails (guest starring Mariqueen and Joey from QOTSA) made their karaoke appearance on Twin Peaks.

St. Vincent
Shit's happnin'! Fun little tour announcement was posted on her redesigned site and a brand new track called 'New York' has been released! Eeeeexxxxccciiittteeemmmeeennntttt!!!!!!

They Might Be Giants
As work continues on their new album, slated for late 2017, TMBG have announced a massive 65 city tour of the U.S. for early 2018. Here's hoping we don't hear 'Drink!' once.
The tour begins with two back to back shows at their old haunt, the Music Hall of Williamsburg on 12/30 and 12/31. And I shall be at both. 

Gorillaz released a song that should have been on Humanz called 'Sleeping Powder'. It's...well, what most of Humanz should have been. The tracklist for the super deluxe vinyl version of Humanz was also revealed and there are about 14 brand new tracks coming with it. Tasty. Albarn said there are "about 40 tracks that didn't make the album", and that that's going to "keep him busy for the next 18 months or so".

And, saving the last for last, it looks like Marilyn Manson's 2/14 release of SAY10 is coming in September. I'm sure it will live up to all the hype, make up for the delay, and redefine music as humans understand it just as Manson says it will.

Next month...Nine Inch Nails live at Panorama and a new Nine Inch Nails EP. Might have a little something to say about those.

* You know, "Up All Night"? That new Beck single from that watch commercial/soccer video game that came out in September 2016? That new Beck single.

** Because we now live in a world where fucking Beck can release a new album and it can go unnoticed.

*** No one buys music...at all...


End of the Month Music Bitchfest - May 2017

Nine Inch Nails
Hurricane of shit between Firebrand (the shitty people who ruined Nine Inch Nails' online store for thousands of people) and the man himself, who posted a snarky little shot at them on the official site. Apparently, in "early June"* the store is coming back and the NIN fan community is rife with speculation. When it comes to Nine Inch Nails, I have embraced the mantra: hopey for the besty, expecty the worsty.
It's how I live.
And that is sad.

There's also a tiny taste of new Reznor/Ross stuff from September's Vietnam War dco from Ken Burns.

Not only am I beginning to doubt there is a new Beck album, I am starting to doubt there is a Beck. He was just some mass hallucination, some fever dream cooked up by swamp gas, moonlight, and a picture of David Bowie.

They Might Be Giants
TMBG are still beavering away at their next one and doing a few free shows in the next few months. Probably nothing new.

Marilyn Manson still hasn't released his new album, but he does appear to have something on his face. Again.

Was blessed enough to see Mother Feather at Tokyo x Brooklyn. Review and pictures here.

Inspired by Drew McDowall's latest, Unnatural Channel and disappointed by the latest Gorillaz, I got dark and listened to a shitton of noise and ambient and electronic and scum. Basically, Coil, Hyde, NON, Psychic TV and their ilk. Made life weirder.


* Though nowhere does it say June 2017